Meat Sushi with Nacho Topping

Submitted by Robyn Clark

Meat Sushi with Nacho Topping

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Cook Time 1 hour 40 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 40 minutes


  • Meat Sushi with Nacho/ onion Topping.
  • Bacon strips ( make as long as you require )
  • 1 /2 kg Mince ( again use as much as required)
  • Cheese of your choice( I used mozzarella )
  • Taco spice ( also mixed in some left over salsa sauce to use it up , about 2 tablespoons)
  • 1 diced onion fried and drained.
  • Sweet chilli sauce ( I used the mixture I had leftover from the fish but you can use BBQ etc ).


  • Using a sushi mat ( or any technique you know for rolling) , place the bacon in strips length ways on the mat.
  • Spread out the mince , seasoned with taco spices of your choice . ( only go up to about 1/2 cm in thickness)
  • Make a long row of your favourite cheese across the Middle and roll . Baste with the BBQ sauce. Cut your roll in half to fit the SC and poke a small foil ball in the open ends so the cheese doesn't leak out . Line SC with sprayed foil and place in side by side. Fold up the ends of the foil so the cheese doesn't run out everywhere.
  • Cook for 40 mins on high, then baste with BBQ sauce. Cook a further 30 mins and baste again. Cook for another 30 mins. Then baste again . Cook further time again if needed.
  • Remove from SC and lightly baste again and then roll in crushed nachos / cooked onion bits .Lightly toast under the griller and serve with salad topped with your favourite salsa and sour cream / yoghurt.

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